Friday, February 19, 2021

Lessons about Donation : From Article 'Red Rice Granary' : Mrs. Sudha Murthy, Chairperson, Infosys Foundation.


Lessons about Donation : From Article 'Red Rice Granary' 

This article "The Red Rice Granary" is written by  Mrs. Sudha Murthy, Chairperson, Infosys Foundation.

The author's  grand parents used to donate 'white rice', the best quality of rice they had to the needy and poor people while they used to eat the 'red rice' at home. This taught the author, things about donation ! 

The lessons author has learned and narrated for us are:

"Donate with kind words.

Donate with happiness.

Donate with sincerity.

Donate only to the needy.

Donate without expectation because it is not a gift. it is not a gift. It is a duty.

Donate with your wife's consent.

Donate to other people without putting your dependents in a a helpless state.

Donate without caring for caste, creed and religion.

Donate with an intention so that the receiver should prosper.'''

Let us try to adopt this in our lives ! Thanks to Mrs. Sudha Murthy, who has enlightened us with her learnings  and example !!